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Showing posts from October, 2014

Blog tour: Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley

Title:  Lies We Tell Ourselves  Author:  Robin Talley Series:  Pages:   336 Publisher:  Mira Ink Date of Publication:  3rd October, 2014 Source:  Publisher for review* Synopsis from Goodreads: In 1959 Virginia, the lives of two girls on opposite sides of the battle for civil rights will be changed forever. Sarah Dunbar is one of the first black students to attend the previously all-white Jefferson High School. An honors student at her old school, she is put into remedial classes, spit on and tormented daily. Linda Hairston is the daughter of one of the townā€™s most vocal opponents of school integration. She has been taught all her life that the races should be kept ā€œseparate but equal.ā€ Forced to work together on a school project, Sarah and Linda must confront harsh truths about race, power and how they really feel about one another. Boldly realistic and emotionally compelling, Lies We Tell Ourselves is a brave and stunning ...

Blog Tour: Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer - Review and Giveaway!

Title:  Belzhar Author:  Meg Wolitzer Series:   n/a Pages: 266 Publisher:  Simon and Schuster Children's Date of Publication: 1st October, 2014 Source:  Publisher for review* Synopsis from Goodreads: If life were fair, Jam Gallahue would still be at home in New Jersey with her sweet British boyfriend, Reeve Maxfield. Sheā€™d be watching old comedy sketches with him. Sheā€™d be kissing him in the library stacks. She certainly wouldnā€™t be at The Wooden Barn, a therapeutic boarding school in rural Vermont, living with a weird roommate, and signed up for an exclusive, mysterious class called Special Topics in English. But life isnā€™t fair, and Reeve Maxfield is dead. Until a journal-writing assignment leads Jam to Belzhar, where the untainted past is restored, and Jam can feel Reeveā€™s arms around her once again. But there are hidden truths on Jamā€™s path to reclaim her loss. My thoughts: When I got back from holiday and found Belzhar waiting f...

Blog Tour: Eren by Simon P. Clark

Title:  Eren Author:  Simon P Clark Series:   n/a Pages:   208 Publisher: Constable & Robinson Date of Publication: 18th September, 2014 Source:  Publisher for review* Synopsis from Goodreads: People are keeping secrets from Oli - about where his father is, and why he hasn't come to join them at his uncle's house in the country. But Oli has secrets too. He knows what lives in the attic. Eren - part monster, part dream, part myth. Eren who always seems so interested, who always wants to hear more about Oli's life. Eren, who needs to hear stories to live, and will take them from Oli, no matter the cost. My Thoughts: I purposely did not read up about Eren before I started reading it, in order to avoid any preconceptions or expectations. I went in to the novel knowing very little, just knowing that it was a story about stories. I think that this made the book better for me - I enjoyed the mystery and the intrigue, so to keep that ...

It's Been Quiet!

So I came online to write my wrap-up for September, only to realise I only read one book (and it was short :S It was Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer - review and giveaway coming soon but you should definitely check it out!) and wrote one review. So there wasn't really that much point. It's been really quiet here and probably will be for the next few months and so I thought I'd just explain why. September's been super busy because I went back to school, and it's Year 13. For those who don't know what that means, it's my final year of school before university next year, which means I am crazy busy with school work and university applications and personal statements and stuff, and I literally haven't had any time to read YA books. My four A-Level subjects (Classics, German, Latin and English Literature) are all very literature focused and so when I finally have got time to myself where I don't have to be doing school stuff, sometimes I just don't really w...