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About & Review Policy


I am currently not taking review requests, due to an overflowing TBR pile and being a student at university with very little time. Sorry! 

I blog and review books for fun, and my reviews are simple and not too analytical. My reviews are simply my thoughts on the book, so they usually revolve around the characters and the plot, etc. I always give my honest opinion, which means that if I don't like a book, it won't get a great review, though I do try to pick out good things if I can! I also try and post my reviews on Goodreads, but they don't always make it there...

My blog is a YA blog, therefore I will only read and review young adult titles (older middle grade sometimes included).
Books will have to be sent in paper because my Kindle died (sad).

It can take anywhere from less than a month to 4-6 months to read and review a book sent to me, sometimes longer if it is an ARC that doesn't get released for a little while, as I try and post those reviews a week or so before the release date. Books that I have requested will get priority, and then books I receive requests for, with books I have purchased myself in between.

I DO NOT ACCEPT SELF-PUBLISHED TITLES, and as it is clearly stated here, I will not reply if you email me requesting a review of your book. Sorry to sound harsh but I don't have time and I get a lot of emails despite having this written here. 

Types of novels I may accept *only YA*:
  • Contemporary  
  • Historical Fiction
  • Mysteries/Thrillers
  • Paranormal
  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction

I will most likely not accept these genres:

  • Non-fiction (including autobiographies, biographies and memoirs)
  • Fantasy
  • Erotica
  • New adult
I am in the UK, so I would need all review copies to be sent to the UK.

I will not review adult titles.

I will not review whole or part of a series of books that I have not already started as I just do not have time. 

To contact me, send an email to bella DOT heavens AT gmail DOT com and I will try and answer as quickly as possible, if I'm interested. If no reply is given, assume that I am not interested - I try to email everyone but sometimes it is just not possible due to time constraints.
No book sent to me will be guaranteed a good review. If I do not enjoy the book, I will write what I think. I will not write false reviews.
I cannot promise to review every book I receive. I've cut down (dramatically) on the number of books I request/accept, but my TBR is still huge so I will try my hardest to get reviews out but they might be very late! Especially now that I'm in my second year of university. I'm sure I won't be able to read as much so I'm sorry if you send me books and don't get reviews back very quickly!

I do not receive any money or compensation for my reviews, or anything to do with my blog, nor am I looking for any. Just reading the book is awesome! Unless otherwise stated, the books I review here are bought by myself, borrowed from the library, gifted by friends/family, or sent for free in exchange for an honest review by a publishing house or an author themselves. Source is stated for each individual book in its review.  In no way does this affect my opinion of any of the books I review here. All thoughts are my own, and mine alone.


This is where I post about of all the YA and tween fiction that I read. Any genre of YA fiction, doesn't matter which! There are (very sporadic) reviews, new releases, and my thoughts on certain book related things.
The reviews aren't very complex. I'll write what I think, why I think it, and whether I think you should read it or not. I do not limit myself to a time frame to read certain books because then it feels like more work than fun and that's not good!

  • New Releases - all the great YA releases coming out in the upcoming month
  • Book News - includes cover reveals and movie rights, as well as new books acquired by publishers, etc
  • Reading Challenges 
  • Monthly round-ups - a short round of everything I've read that month, what my favourite was, that kind of thing :) 
About me:
I'm Bella, I'm 20 and I spend my time in Liverpool at uni, or at home in Canterbury.  I am half way through my second year studying Classics (Latin, Ancient Greek, and Ancient History).

Some useful links:

Blog URL:
Email: bella DOT heavens AT gmail DOT com

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