Title: The Madness Underneath Author: Maureen Johnson Series: Shades of London Pages: 290 Publisher: HarperCollins Children's Books Date of Publication: 26th February, 2013 Source: Publisher for review* Synopsis from Goodreads: When madness stalks the streets of London, no one is safe… There's a creepy new terror haunting modern-day London. Fresh from defeating a Jack the Ripper killer, Rory must put her new-found hunting skills to the test before all hell breaks loose… But enemies are not always who you expect them to be and crazy times call for crazy solutions. My Thoughts: (This is a review of a reread, because being the terribly inconsistent blogger that I am, I never actually reviewed this when I read it the first time round. Soz about that.) So the Shades of London series has been in my favourites ever since I first read the first book, back when it came out. In preparation for reading The Shadow...