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Showing posts from July, 2013

July 2013 Wrap-Up

Hey everyone! Hope you're having a good summer so far! Sorry for not posting for a while, again, but I've been busy! I'll tell you about that later on in the post though. Also, I won't be posting anything this week, but I'm hoping to start up again around the 4th August. So, onto what I've been reading this month!       1. Anna Dressed In Blood by Kendare Blake 2. Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake 3. All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill 4. Vivian Versus the Apocalypse by Katie Coyle 5. The Rig by Joe Ducie I've had Anna Dressed In Blood for so long and I've only ever heard good things, so I thought it was about time I read it! It was super awesome so I went on to read the sequel, Girl of Nightmares , straight away. While not as good as the first, I still really enjoyed it! All Our Yesterdays was really, really good, and hopefully I'll get my review of that up soon. I absolutely loved Vivian Versus the Apocalypse , which was...

Blog Tour: Spy Society by Robin Benway Extract

Hey everyone! Today I have an excerpt from Spy Society by Robin Benway for you to read, which is publishing tomorrow by Simon and Schuster in the UK. Hope you enjoy! It's a really great book. __________ Being a 16-year-old safecracker and active-duty daughter of international spies has its moments, good and bad. Pros: Seeing the world one crime-solving adventure at a time. Having parents with super cool jobs. Cons: Never staying in one place long enough to have friends or a boyfriend. But for Maggie Silver, the biggest perk of all has been avoiding high school and the accompanying cliques, bad lunches, and frustratingly simple locker combinations. Then Maggie and her parents are sent to New York for her first solo assignment, and all of that changes. She'll need to attend a private school, avoid the temptation to hack the school's security system, and befriend one aggravatingly cute Jesse Oliver to gain the essential information she needs to crack the case . . . al...

Book Review: Spy Society by Robin Benway

Title:  Spy Society Author:  Robin Benway Series:   Also Known As, #1 Pages:   320 Publisher:  Simon & Schuster Children's Books Date of Publication:  18th July 2013 Source:  Publisher* Synopsis from Goodreads: Being a 16-year-old safecracker and active-duty daughter of international spies has its moments, good and bad. Pros: Seeing the world one crime-solving adventure at a time. Having parents with super cool jobs. Cons: Never staying in one place long enough to have friends or a boyfriend. But for Maggie Silver, the biggest perk of all has been avoiding high school and the accompanying cliques, bad lunches, and frustratingly simple locker combinations. Then Maggie and her parents are sent to New York for her first solo assignment, and all of that changes. She'll need to attend a private school, avoid the temptation to hack the school's security system, and befriend one aggravatingly cute Jesse Oliver to gain the essential ...

Book Review: Invisibility by Andrea Cremer and David Levithan

Title:  Invisibility Author:  Andrea Cremer and David Levithan Series: ~ Pages:   358 Publisher:  Penguin Date of Publication:  7th May, 2013 Source:  Publisher* Synopsis from Goodreads: Stephen is used to invisibility. He was born that way. Invisible. Cursed. Elizabeth sometimes wishes for invisibility. When youā€™re invisible, no one can hurt you. So when her mother decides to move the family to New York City, Elizabeth is thrilled. Itā€™s easy to blend in there. Then Stephen and Elizabeth meet. To Stephenā€™s amazement, she can see him. And to Elizabethā€™s amazement, she wants him to be able to see herā€”all of her. But as the two become closer, an invisible world gets in their wayā€”a world of grudges and misfortunes, spells and curses. And once theyā€™re thrust into this world, Elizabeth and Stephen must decide how deep theyā€™re going to goā€”because the answer could mean the difference between love and death. My Thoughts: I really, really enjoy...

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 1

Hey! I've been a rubbish blogger lately, despite saying that I wouldn't be once exams are over... Anyway, I feel like I've kind of lost my 'blogging mojo', so hopefully this will get me all excited for blogging again! The 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge is hosted by April over at Good Books and Good Wine  so if you wanted to find out a little bit more or take part yourself, head on over there. So today's challenge is Make 15 book related confessions , so here goes! 1. I'm scared of big books. Well. Not scared exactly, but the number of pages a book has definitely has an influence on whether or not I choose it to read next. Books over 500 pages take me a long time to read and I'm impatient, so I like to read things quickly, and with big books I can't do that. I will read them, it'll just take me a while to get round to reading them. 2. I don't lend books. I like to keep my books in perfect condition, and I can't trust people...

April, May and June 2013 Wrap-Up

My apologies for not doing any of these wrap-ups for a while, but I've been busy... Procrastinating and just generally being a rubbish blogger. I apologise, I do! Anyway, I thought I'd share with you everything I've read since I last did one of these, so that you can see what reviews and posts you can expect in the coming weeks, as I plan to catch up now that I HAVE FINISHED EXAMS! HUZZAH! Anyway. Onto the books that I've been reading!    APRIL The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd After Eden by Helen Douglas This month was pretty slow going... April was the first month of exam preparation really, so that's why... I really enjoyed The Madman's Daughter despite it being quite slow - it was actually really interesting. After Eden was good but not great - however it was just perfect for a three hour plane journey on the way back from our family holiday.     MAY Between Shades of Grey by Ruta Sepetys Pride and Prejudice by Jane ...