Hey! I've been a rubbish blogger lately, despite saying that I wouldn't be once exams are over... Anyway, I feel like I've kind of lost my 'blogging mojo', so hopefully this will get me all excited for blogging again!
The 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge is hosted by April over at Good Books and Good Wine so if you wanted to find out a little bit more or take part yourself, head on over there.
The 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge is hosted by April over at Good Books and Good Wine so if you wanted to find out a little bit more or take part yourself, head on over there.

So today's challenge is Make 15 book related confessions, so here goes!
1. I'm scared of big books. Well. Not scared exactly, but the number of pages a book has definitely has an influence on whether or not I choose it to read next. Books over 500 pages take me a long time to read and I'm impatient, so I like to read things quickly, and with big books I can't do that. I will read them, it'll just take me a while to get round to reading them.
2. I don't lend books. I like to keep my books in perfect condition, and I can't trust people not to ruin them when I give them out. So I don't. I feel kind of bad, but if you want to borrow books, there's always the library!
3. I don't buy books very much, and hardly ever at full price. Because I get books from the publishers, I have so many to read and I don't have time to read books that I've bought myself that aren't high priority for reviews. So I don't buy many books, and also when I do I nearly always buy them from Amazon where they're cheaper... About a month ago I bought two full price though, so I don't solely rely on publishers completely ;)
4. I'm awful at writing reviews soon after I finish a book. I write notes about the book so I know what I want to write when I come to write the reviews, but it's often at least a week before I actually get around to writing the review... And not because I'm really busy, but because I'm lazy. This needs to change!
5. I like boys in books more than boys in real life. Enough said for that one, I think...
6. I judge books by their covers, at least at first. If a book has a crappy cover, I'll be more hesitant to read it, and if it's got a really lovely cover, sometimes I'll buy it without even knowing what it's about. I know this is bad, but everyone does it, right?
7. I rarely reread. I only reread when I've completely forgotten what happened in a previous book in the series and can't even wing it as I read the sequel. I'm getting better though, at rereading things just because I want to. I'm trying to do it more, but I feel that if I read something I've already read, that's one new story that I won't have time to read, if that makes sense?
8. I started reading YA because of Twilight, so it will always have a place in my heart. Aww. How sweet. But seriously, I loved it then, I still love it now. Deal :P
9. I have about 100 books (and counting) that don't fit on my bookshelves yet I can't give any away or sell them. Even though I'm sure they'd be loved and well read if I gave them to charity or sold them, I can't bear to get rid of any of them, even if I know I'm never going to reread them.
10. My TBR pile is taller than me. I feel kind of bad, but it's nice to know I always have something to read once I've finished something.
11. I haven't read many classics. Like, at all. I've read Pride & Prejudice (but only because we had to read it for school (and I actually loved it)) and Alice In Wonderland... But I think that's it! I'd like to read more but I think I'll wait until I'm a little bit older.
12. I absolutely hate it when covers are changed mid-way through the series. ARGH it is SO annoying. Why?! The most annoying perhaps was the Vampire Academy series, when they changed the cover of the 6th and final book, Last Sacrifice. They changed them to a red version, which meant the spines don't even look remotely similar on my bookshelves. I don't understand.
13. I rarely read outside of YA. It's not that I won't read adult, it's just that I'm happy reading YA, there's so much of it that I can read and I love it so much, so why change? There are already too many YA books for me to read, why add to that? Hehe.
14. Every now and again I absolutely love a love triangle. Don't judge okay? But if I haven't read one for a while and it pops up, I have no problem. I kind of love the whole picking teams thing and rivalry between them with my friends (for example at school there was an ongoing rivalry between Team Edward and Team Jacob) and it's just fun when you can discuss books with friends like that. However, I have to be in the right mood and not read too many in a row, or else they get tiring and frustrating, especially if the girl doesn't pick the right guy, in my opinion ;)
15. Before I got my Kindle I hated the idea of ebooks. I just love print books so much - the way they feel, the way they look all lined up on my shelf, the way they smell... But ebooks are great too and I think I even read them quicker than I do print books. It also makes reading lying down easier, and I don't have to lug loads of books around when I go on holiday, so ebooks are great too. Now I read a mix of print and ebooks.
It's surprisingly difficult to come up with 15 confessions!
What are your bookish confessions?
#2 I lent out my signed copies of A Need so Beautiful and A Want So Wicked...and my BFF hasn't returned them. Its been months. :(
ReplyDelete#3 I buy books way too often but only at full price if they're signed.
I think my confessions would be very similar to yours.
ReplyDeleteI also hated the idea of ebooks until I got my Kindle and now I love it to pieces. I wouldn't be without it!
I actually like love triangles, which will probably earn me some weird looks. As long as they're written right, I don't mind!
Great post, Bella!