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Showing posts from June, 2014

Book Review: Say Her Name by James Dawson

Title:  Say Her Name Author:  James Dawson Series:  Pages:  240 Publisher: Hot Key Books Date of Publication: 5th June, 2014 Source: Publisher* for review Synopsis from Goodreads: Roberta 'Bobbie' Rowe is not the kind of person who believes in ghosts. A Halloween dare at her ridiculously spooky boarding school is no big deal, especially when her best friend Naya and cute local boy Caine agree to join in too. They are ordered to summon the legendary ghost of 'Bloody Mary': say her name five times in front of a candlelit mirror, and she shall appear... But, surprise surprise, nothing happens. Or does it? Next morning, Bobbie finds a message on her bathroom mirror... five days... but what does it mean? And who left it there? Things get increasingly weird and more terrifying for Bobbie and Naya, until it becomes all too clear that Bloody Mary was indeed called from the afterlife that night, and she is definitely not a friendly ghost. Bobbie, Naya and Cai...

Book Review: Out of Control by Sarah Alderson

Title:  Out of Control Author:  Sarah Alderson Series:   Standalone Pages: 320 Publisher:  Simon and Schuster Children's Books Date of Publication: 22nd May, 2014 Source:  Publisher* for review Synopsis from Goodreads: When 17 year old Liva witnesses a brutal murder sheā€™s taken into police custody for her own protection. But when the police station is attacked and bullets start flying it becomes clear that Liva is not just a witness, sheā€™s a target. Together with a car thief called Jay, Liva manages to escape the massacre but now the two of them are alone in New York, trying to outrun and outwit two killers who will stop at nothing to find them. When you live on the edge, thereā€™s a long way to fall. My Thoughts: Sarah Alderson is fast becoming one of my absolute favourite authors. I've read five of her young adult titles now and have thoroughly enjoyed every single one of those. Out of Control is Sarah's newest offering and it was gre...

Book Review: Lobsters by Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison

Title:  Lobsters Author:  Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison Series:   Standalone Pages:   306 Publisher:  Chicken House Books Date of Publication:  5th June, 2014 Source:  Publisher for review* Synopsis from Goodreads: Sam and Hannah only have the holidays to find 'The One'. Their lobster. But instead of being epic, their summer is looking awkward. They must navigate social misunderstandings, the plotting of well-meaning friends, and their own fears of being virgins for ever to find happiness. But fate is at work to bring them together. And in the end, it all boils down to love. My Thoughts: I was super excited for Lobsters and I had such high hopes, so let me tell you, it did not disappoint. It's awkward but light hearted and I have not laughed out loud (in public, too!) so much at a book for such a long time! I was sat in the common room at school, trying to suppress my giggles so that the other people in there would not think I ...

May 2014 Wrap Up

Hey everyone! Welcome to June! Books read this month:       1. Allegiant by Veronica Roth 2. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (reread) 3. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart 4. Lobsters by Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison 5. Out of Control by Sarah Alderson Exams started on 12th May so I've not had that much time to read lately, but I've got a break in between exams now for half term so hopefully I'll be able to get lots of books read in between revision! This month I finally read Allegiant and finished Tris' story. I LOVED it and thought the ending was really well done, despite what a lot of other people have said about it. I definitely recommend this series! I had to reread Dorian Gray for my English exam (which went okayish I think) but that's all done now so I NEVER HAVE TO READ IT AGAIN WOOOO because I hate it. I loathe it with a passion, from the bottom of my heart... Don't shoot me! ;) Anyway, strong feelings for Dorian aside, I also ...