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Happily Ever Endings... Vixen by Jillian Larkin (Flappers, #1)

Happily Ever Endings... was born out of sheer frustration. You know how when you read a series and you love it but the last book takes a little while to come out and then you sort of forget parts of the novel? That's what these posts are going to serve to remedy. Happily Ever Ending... is a short post about what happened at the ending of each book that is going to be in a series for people who need a quick reminder of what happened in the previous installment. It's really annoying when you can't remember what happens and don't have time for a reread, so this hopefully will be a huge help!

VixenSynopsis from Goodreads: Jazz . . . Booze . . . Boys . . . Itā€™s a dangerous combination.

Every girl wants what she canā€™t have. Seventeen-year-old Gloria Carmody wants the flapper lifestyleā€”and the bobbed hair, cigarettes, and music-filled nights that go with it. Now that sheā€™s engaged to Sebastian Grey, scion of one of Chicagoā€™s most powerful families, Gloriaā€™s party days are over before theyā€™ve even begun . . . or are they?

Clara Knowles, Gloriaā€™s goody-two-shoes cousin, has arrived to make sure the high-society wedding comes off without a hitchā€”but Clara isnā€™t as lily-white as she appears. Seems she has some dirty little secrets of her own that sheā€™ll do anything to keep hidden. . . .

Lorraine Dyer, Gloriaā€™s social-climbing best friend, is tired of living in Gloriaā€™s shadow. When Lorraineā€™s envy spills over into desperate spite, no one is safe. And someoneā€™s going to be very sorry. . . .


Happily Ever Ending: After Bastien discovers Gloria singing at the Green Mill, she blames Lorraine for telling him and she blocks her out of her life. Jerome no longer trusts her because she didnā€™t tell him about her engagement. Nobody at school likes her and they canā€™t stop gossiping about her.

Clara convinces Gloria to go and see Jerome again and tell her how she feels about him. When she gets there, she tells him everything and they kiss. Meanwhile, Clara goes out with Marcus to an art event, where she tells him all about her past New York life as a flapper. She expects him to leave her but he doesn't.

Lorraine goes to see Bastien to try to find out who told him about Gloriaā€™s singing, and decides it was Clara. She searches Claraā€™s room and finds a picture of Clara dressed as a flapper in New York.

Gloria goes to see Jerome after school at the Green Mill and he takes her on a date. She realises she can never fit in with the black people.

At Gloriaā€™s engagement party Clara is the star of the show. Marcus manages to pull her away and gives her a glittering bracelet, but theyā€™re interrupted by Harris Brown, Claraā€™s ex, who tries to get her back. But then, the party is interrupted again by Lorraine, who tries to expose Clara. She reveals Clara was a flapper in New York and that she got pregnant with Harrisā€™ child, but she miscarried. Lorraine thinks this will win back Gloriaā€™s friendship but it doesn't, and Lorraine gets kicked out of the party.

Gloria decides that her relationship with Jerome will never work, so she plans to end things. She goes to the Green Mill to do this, but nearly gets raped in the dressing room by the club owner. Jerome comes to her rescue and the escape, planning to leave Chicago together. Clara finds her packing, and helps her to leave. When Gloria meets Jerome, he forgets something inside his apartment, and goes back to get it, leaving Gloria alone. Carlito and his men jump her, but Jerome comes back to help her escape. One of his men grabs Jerome and Gloria shoots him dead with a gun she stole from Bastien's apartment earlier in the book. Jeromeā€™s sister Vera then helps them escape.

It turns out that Vera has secretly been working with Bastien but sheā€™s not happy when her brother nearly gets killed and she plans to use the gun Gloria used to shoot Tony against Bastien. The book ends with Lorraine at another speakeasy, meeting Carlito; Gloria and Jerome are on their way to New York; and Clara is on her way back to Pennsylvania.


I hope this helped! Now you're all set up to read the next one! If I've missed anything important or you think there's something wrong, let me know in the comments! I'm not all that good at these... ;) 


  1. Awesome stuff! I added this to the master list on my page. Thanks so much for pointing me this way and for the awesome summary.

  2. Happily Ever Endings is a post idea I really like! I heavily spoiled myself now since I haven't read Vixen, but now I totally want to:D


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*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)

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