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Blog Tour: The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet by Bernie Su and Kate Rorick

Hey everyone! Today is my stop on the blog tour for The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet by Bernie Su and Kate Rorick, which is the novelisation of the hugely successful Lizzie Bennet Diaries webseries on YouTube! If you haven't watched them yet, you simply must, for they are BRILLIANT! You can watch the first video below or on the Lizzie Bennet website itself, and enter a giveaway to win one of five copies of the book.

The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet

Synopsis from Goodreads: Based on the Emmy Awardā€“winning YouTube series The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.

Twentyā€‘fourā€‘yearā€‘old grad student Lizzie Bennet is saddled with student loan debt and still living at home along with her two sistersā€”beautiful Jane and reckless Lydia. When she records her reflections on life for her thesis project and posts them on YouTube, she has no idea The Lizzie Bennet Diaries will soon take on a life of their own, turning the Bennet sisters into internet celebrities seemingly overnight.

When rich and handsome Bing Lee comes to town, along with his stuckā€‘up friend William Darcy, things really start to get interesting for the Bennetsā€”and for Lizzieā€™s viewers. But not everything happens onā€‘screen. Lucky for us, Lizzie has a secret diary.

The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet takes readers deep inside Lizzieā€™s world and well beyond the confines of her cameraā€”from the wedding where she first meets William Darcy to the local hangout of Carterā€™s bar, and much more. Lizzieā€™s private musings are filled with revealing details about the Bennet household, including her growing suspicions about her parentsā€™ unstable financial situation, her sisterā€™s budding relationship with Bing Lee, the perils of her unexpected fame, and her uncertainty over her futureā€”and whom she wants to share it with.

Featuring plenty of fresh twists to delight fans and new readers alike, The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet expands on the web series phenomenon that captivated a generation and reimagines the Pride and Prejudice story like never before.

Here are the first three episodes to get you started if you haven't already watched them - I can't emphasise how much you need to watch them because they're fabulous! There are 100 episodes, as well as 10 Q&A videos, and some videos from Lydia Bennet too. It's so cleverly done and I cannot recommend it enough. The book is also AMAZING and it gives you even more about the things that Lizzie only talks about in her videos - particularly noteworthy is Lizzie, Gigi and DARCY's day trip... But you'll just have to read it to find out what happens! Don't have a copy though...? Well, today's your lucky day! *cue cheesy music*

Here's your chance to win one of five copies of The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet! All you have to do to enter is comment on this post and tell me:

If you could be a character in any of Jane Austen's novels, which character from which story would you be, and why? 

Once you've done that, enter all your details into the Rafflecopter widget below and come back in one week's time to see if you're a lucky winner! 

Thanks for stopping by! I really hope you'll read The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet, and watch the videos if you haven't already, and enter the giveaway! Don't forget to check out all the other stops on the blog tour too.


  1. Uhhh, I think Catherine Morland from Northanger Abbey. I have a major crush on Mr Tilney. Like, Darcy's great and all, but Tilney is actually a nice, fun person! ;) tough question though! Thanks for the giveaway :D

  2. Duh, Elizabeth Bennett, Pride and Prejudice - I used to live near Lyme Park where the BBC adaptation was filmed too... lots of ladies visiting and hoping to bump into Mr Darcy there ;)

  3. I love the youtube series and the book. I am currently watching their adaption of Emma, "Emma Approved", and I am loving it!

    I think I would want to be Elizabeth Bennet, because who does not want a Mr. Darcy?!

  4. Hmmm well I was going to say Lizzy because HELLO DARCY! But I quote like the idea of not knowing my own fair so I'm going to say Charlotte (Kitty) Bennett
    Caroline x

  5. I would be Mr Darcy, because he's misunderstood but awesome.

  6. Aargh, it won't let me comment as liveotherwise!

    Dare I admit I've not read any Jane Austen? Is there a battle axe mother character? That appeals:)

  7. I'd be Lady Catherine de Bourgh - tons of power, overweening confidence and the ability to speak my own mind NON STOP. ;)

  8. I think I would rather like to be Anne Eliot from Persuasion as she's a much better person than me in some respects and does a lot for people without complaining about how much they're imposing on her generosity even if she did make a mistake in turning down Wentworth the first time :P

    1. I also just realised that I fluffed up in the entry form by putting the character name I entered rather than my blog name that I entered with. *sigh* Rachel = Ray = Me *this idiot*

    2. Haha no worries, Ray! Thanks for entering! :)

  9. Ahhh... I was going to answer your question for the givaway, but I messed it up. I just left my name... So... I think I would like to be Elizabeth Bennet. She's a bit like me. We both love books, and we are both the most serious of our siblings. And she gets Mr. Darcy. Who wouldn't want Mr. Darcy? In the movie he is Matthew Macfayden, and in the series he is Colin Firth!

  10. Dare I admit I have never read a Jane Austen book but I am currently reading book 3 in the Jane Austen Academy series, that counts right?
    If there is a dizzy clumsy character in any of her books that will be me.

  11. I wish more than anything I could just be Jane Austen because she is one of my favourite authors ever. I'd love to be Lizzie Bennet because she is one of the strongest characters of Victorian Literature and somebody who I completely idolize. Or maybe Laura from Love and Friendship because she is hilarious!


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Thanks for commenting! :D I love comments, so comment away! :D

*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)

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