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Book Blogger Hop #4

It's that time again, for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books! It gives bloggers a chance to hop around and find some awesome new blogs to follow! I frequently find new books that I need to read, and it's a great way to make new friends! Click the link above to sign up! =]

Book Blogger Hop
Where is your favourite place to read? Curled up on the sofa, in bed, in the garden?

My answer: My favourite place to read is in the corner of our corner sofa in the living room, when my brother is playing the Xbox, because then, I can block out the sounds of him blowing things up and just get lost in a book. I can't read there though if the TV's on, as I'll just end up watching the programme instead! I also like reading in bed, but sometimes I'll find myself drifting off, so I don't read there very often!

Blogs visited so far: (Will be added as I visit)
Leeswammes's Blog
Library Mosaic
Jess Hearts Books
Lost in Stories
Emilie's Book World
Amaterasu Reads
Do Not Disturb My Books
I Swim For Oceans


  1. Hey Bella, just stopping on by from the Hop. Where I read depends on my mood for the day sometimes it's outside (weather permitting of course) or curled up on the couch, but my favourite place is in my bed with my super huge pillow and my mini schnauzer sitting next to me.

  2. Hi Bella, I'm a new follower from the hop :)

    Reading with family around is so much fun! When my family and I are in the same room, I'm usually reading in a corner, my sister's on her laptop, my dad's watching TV... We all do our own things, but together. One of the best feelings in the world :)

    Erika Breathes Books

  3. My first visit to your blog - I'm becoming a follower for sure! I really like your setup! I'm stopping by via the hop :)

    Brittany @ Nice Girls Read Books

  4. I found you through the hop and am a new follower since we have similar tastes in reading. I like to read on the couch too but I need it to be quiet, especially if I'm just starting a new book.

  5. I'm a new follower!

    Stopping by via the Hop and FF! Hope you will stop by, too.

  6. Hey there! I'm a new follower, and I found you on the blog hop! In answer to this week's question, I love reading on the couch by the fire - so comfy!

    Feel free to drop by my blog anytime, and I have an awesome ARC giveaway going right now! :)

  7. Happy Friday. New follower. I don't think I could read on the couch with the Xbox going. I like quiet too much.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Just stopped by for the hop. Make sure to check out my 200 followers giveaway! I hope you have a great weekend!!
    A Book Obsession..

  10. Happy HOP! I generally read in my bedroom because it's the most quiet. I'm with you - if I read with the TV on, I get distracted and forget to read. Enjoy your weekend

    Come HOP over to The Bookish Snob

  11. Just popping in to say hi! Your answer is almost the same as mine except I try to block out my husband:) I see your reading Crescendo, I just finished that one and will be interested to see what you think! Happy Friday:)

  12. Hi Bella!

    Blog Hopper and Friday Follower here!

    My answer is in the cozy two-seater chair in my living room. It's so comfy!

    Follow Friday answer: I am reading Black Magic Lover by Cynthia Cooke, Harlequin Nocturne paperback.

  13. I know what you mean about television distractions! My husband usually turns on the TV when I am reading no the couch and I end up half-reading and half-watching what is on. It is a little distracting!

  14. Hey-

    I'm stopping by from the blog hop. I cannot read through the xbox even through two closed doors. I have to wear my headphones and listen to music. Music is the only thing that drowns everything else out. I get really ticked when my hubby comes in, sees I'm reading and starts a conversation with me. I feel guilty for not putting the book down, but I really want to read!!! My answer is at: Come over when you get a chance.

    And I'd love to know why you named your blog Cheezyfeet!

  15. We read as a family too! It's funny to see all of us with a book. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope you come by and see my ANSWER!

    Jen @ I Read Banned Books

  16. I'm a new follower.
    Hope you'll stop on by and enter my giveaways.
    Have a great weekend!
    ~Inspired Kathy
    I Am A Reader, Not a Writer

  17. Found you from the hop!
    New follower!

    I can't read if the TV is on either. I get sucked into TV shows in the worst way, which is why I try not to watch to much of it. I'd be a zombie!

    Hop on by :D

  18. Hi, stopping by from the blog hop. I tend to read in bed, and especially in winter, though you're right, it is easy to find myself having "just a mini-snooze!"

  19. Just stopping by through the Blog Hop! I read on the go, toddlers don't give me much sit down time!

  20. Just hopping by, I'm following you now :)

    Murphy's Library

  21. Hi! I'm just hopping by to check out your blog. I'm a new follower. Come visit my blog if you get the chance.

    Ramblings of a (Future) Librarian

  22. Hi!

    Discovered your blog via the Blog Hop. Looking forward to reading your reviews.

  23. Just hopping by again! Great review on Crescendo! I'm looking forward to reading it too! I like reading in bed mostly!
    The Delusional Diaries

  24. Hi and Happy Hop! I know all about reading while there is noise - I sometimes (well, always)read while my fiance watched sports. Haha, it's a note of shame with him that I must be the only girl Pittsburgh who reads through a Steelers game, even the Superbowel!

    Happy to have found you blog! Stop by mine if you get the chance - we have similar tastes!

    -Linds (

  25. Just stopping by from the blogger hop!

    Love your blog, i'm now a new follower of your :)

  26. Hi there Bella, hopping around. I love Tyger Tyger and reviewed it - here is a link to a repost. And, I will be having Kersten guestpost and a giveaway the second week of November. In the meantime, I am trying to get 500 followers by my 50th birthday 11/3.

    Lovely place you have here.

    Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    twitter: @fangswandsfairy


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Thanks for commenting! :D I love comments, so comment away! :D

*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)

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