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Armchair BEA: Blogger Interview with Puss Reboots

Hi everyone, today I'm going to be interviewing Sarah from Puss Reboots :)


Tell us a little bit about yourself :)
The best thing I can say is read Monday's post for Armchair BEA.

The short version is I'm currently a library and information science student. I'm taking a completely online course. I'm also a freelance writer and a web designer.

Name one book that you think everyone should read, and why?
I'm going to go with a little known but excellent novel by a well known American author: The Marble Faun by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It's set in Italy in the mid-1800s but it reads like a modern day paranormal romance. If I could, I would put a copy of the book in everyone's hands.

If you could spend the day in a book, which book would you choose and why?
Check out my answer on last week's Book Blogger Hop:

If you were only allowed to take 3 books with you to a desert island with no bookstores or internet or anything, which books would you take? (a series counts as one book)
A blank journal (with an unlimited amount of lead or ink), an almanac and the OED. I did a backpacking trip as a teenager and our last couple of days out we were asked to camp by ourselves to test our survival skills. I had a blank journal with me and I remember wanting a dictionary and an almanac at the time.

If you could spend the day with one author, who would you spend it with and why?
I don't know. I think any author would be fascinating to talk to.

What are your 3 most anticipated summer 2011 reads?
I'm currently focusing on reading through my lengthy wishlist ( so my anticipated reads are all ones that came out last year or earlier.

Tell us a bit about your current read :)
I am now happily reading Theodosia and the Last Pharaoh which was an anticipated read for most of this year. I was thrilled to see it at my library. I love the series. It's the fourth in an excellent paranormal tween mystery series.

I've reviewed the previous three:
Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos
Theodosia and the Staff of Osiris
Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus

What has been your favourite book youā€™ve read this year?
My favourite is actually a manga series -- Fullmetal Alchemsist by Hiromu Arakawa. I've read eighteen volumes but have only posted a review of the first one ( so far. It's also been made into two excellent anime series and a movie.

The story is set on an alternate world in a country called Amestris which is somewhat like Germany circa the early 1900s. The military enlists alchemists to act as human weapons. In return they get access to research they would otherwise not have access to. The main characters are a pair of brothers: Ed and Al Elric who are trying to undo a terrible mistake they made while trying a forbidden type of alchemy. Ed lost his arm and leg and Al lost his body entirely and is now a living suit of armor.

Do you have a special spot that you read in? Or do you just read anywhere?
I read pretty much anywhere. I will keep books I'm reading in different rooms in my house. I also take a short book (usually a manga) with me for my morning coffee.

What makes a book stand out to you? The cover/author/plot/etc?
I'm a complete sucker for an interesting cover. I'm also lured by settings, character names, plot summaries, experimental story telling styles or just a good friend or family member saying: "read this!"

And lastly a few quick fire questions:

Paperback or Hardback?
I don't care. The librarian in training in me should say "hardback" but I feel that the book is more important than the delivery method. Sometimes hardbacks aren't available and a paperback will do just fine.

eBook or print?
I don't have an ereader but I do a lot of ereading for my classwork. I read print books to take a break from all that on screen reading.

Adult or YA?
Actually mostly picture books and middle grade fiction with some adult and YA thrown in to balance things.

Twitter or Facebook?
I'm on both but I'm most active with twitter. You can find me there as @pussreboots

Thanks for answering the questions, Sarah! It was a pleasure to have you here today :)

Want to find out a bit more about Sarah? Have a look here:



How's your Armchair BEA going? Mine's going great, though I'm still jealous of everyone in New York... :) Oh well, leave your blogger interview (or Wednesday BEA post) link in the comments! :D 


  1. That was fun. :)

    I got the chance to interview via email the owner of Notorious Spinks Talks Books. Come read the review.

  2. I've never heard of The Marble Faun before. Thanks for the recommendation!


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Thanks for commenting! :D I love comments, so comment away! :D

*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)

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