Author: Melissa de la Cruz
Series: Blue Bloods (A Novella)
Pages: 208
Publisher: ATOM (UK)/ Disney Book Grou
Date of UK Publication: 20th January 2011
Source: Bought
Synopsis from Goodreads: Vampires have powers beyond human comprehension: strength that defies logic, speed that cannot be captured on film, the ability to shapeshift and more. But in matters of the heart, no one, not even the strikingly beautiful and outrageously wealthy Blue Bloods, has total control. In Bloody Valentine, bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz offers readers a new story about the love lives of their favorite vamps - the passion and heartache, the hope and devastation, the lust and longing. Combined with all the glitz, glamour, and mystery fans have come to expect, this is sure to be another huge hit in the Blue Bloods series.
My Thoughts:
I love the Blue Bloods series, but I have to admit, it's been dragging a bit for me... There are too many complicated story lines in it that I can't remember, and the characters all having past lives is confusing. So, I didn't rush to buy this book, and only did because I needed another book for a 3 for 2 offer. That said though, I did enjoy this book, it was better than I expected, but not as good as the actual books in the series.
In this novella, there are three separate stories. One is about Oliver and how he copes with being separated from Schuyler; one is about Allegra as a sixteen year old girl; and the other is about Schuyler and Jack's bonding ceremony and what happens before.
I have to say though, I do think that this book is a little pointless. I enjoyed reading these stories, and if they hadn't been published I would still want to read them, but I think it maybe would have been better if they were published as an extra at the back of the next books, or online somewhere, rather than dedicating a whole £6.99 book to 150 pages. Because that's basically all that was in it. My copy has a 50 page sampler of book 5 in the series Misguided Angel in the back, which I assume most people will have already read because what happens in Bloody Valentine happens after the events that took place at the end of Misguided Angel...
Anyway, onto the actual stories. I enjoyed them all, though they were very quick reads. I liked the story of Schuyler and Jack's bonding most, because I thought it was the one that was most relevant to the actual plot of the Blue Bloods series. Also, it was extremely sweet, and who doesn't love a good wedding? Which is technically what the bonding was :L
I also enjoyed Allegra's story, it let us in to the only very lightly touched world of Schuyler's mother. We learned a little bit about a man who I assume is Schuyler's dad, but I won't say anymore so I don't spoil it for you!
Lastly, (though it's first in the book) there was Oliver's story. It was sweet, but I didn't really understand it, I felt it was more of an introduction to Melissa de la Cruz's new book The Witches of East End which is coming out in the summer(?).
Overall, Bloody Valentine wasn't an awful read, but it wasn't amazing, and it definitely was not as good as any of the other Blue Bloods novels. I think that if you're following the series and enjoy it, then you should enjoy this, but don't expect too much, it's nothing special.
My Rating:
I give it 3 Feet!

2011 Paranormal YA Reading Challenge #23
2011 100+ Reading Challenge #40
This is a series that I have never read. Interesting review, I don't think I will be running out to get this one.