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In My Mailbox #44

Hey everyone! I haven't done an In My Mailbox in absolutely ages... So I have rather a lot to show you all! I probably should make a vlog to show you everything, but I'm lazy and can't be bothered so I'm just posting pictures (But, they are special Instagram pictures, which I've just discovered and I LOVE it xD ). So sorry for the lack of vlog, but I hope you like the Instagram pictures instead ;D

For Review:

Forgiven by Jana Oliver (Macmillan, March 1st 2012)
The Alchemy of Forever by Avery Williams (Simon & Schuster, April 26th 2012)
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman (Random House, July 19th 2012)
Unravellling by Elizabeth Norris (HarperCollins, June 7th 2012)
Young Sherlock Holmes: Death Cloud by Andrew Lane (Macmillan, released)
The Kissing Game by Aidan Chambers (Random House, March 1st 2012)
Struck by Jennifer Bosworth (Random House, May 10th 2012)
Vixen by Jillian Larkin (Random House, March 1st 2012)
The Killables by Gemma Malley (Hodder & Stoughton, March 29th 2012)


Torn by Cat Clarke (Quercus, released)
The Book of Blood and Shadow by Robin Wasserman (ATOM, released)
Hollow Pike by James Dawson (Indigo, released)

On Monday 30th June, along with Rhys from ThirstForFiction, I went to the Penguin 2012 Showcase event in London. We were told all about some of the new releases coming in 2012 and some of the exciting new things there were releasing (such as apps and games, as well as books of course). There were 4 authors there - Michelle Paver, Louisa Reid, Jacqueline Wilson and Anthony McGowan, and they signed our books and we chatted and it was awesome. We then went to Starbucks to meet Caroline Lawrence, author of the Roman Mystery series, and then after that we spent about 3 hours in Foyles... ;)

Received from Penguin 2012 Showcase: 

Gods and Warriors by Michelle Paver (Puffin, August 28th 2012)
Black Heart Blue by Louisa Reid (Puffin, May 2012)
Jamie's Great Britain by Jamie Oliver

100 Ladybird cover postcards - These are VERY cool. They come in a box of 100 (obviously) and I just picked out the ones from the top of the pile, but they're great! I'm too young to ever have had any of these covers as actual books, but my mum was looking through them and picking out all the ones that she remembered having on her shelves when she was little... :D

Huge thanks to Penguin/Puffin, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, Random House, HarperCollins, and Hodder & Stoughton for all my books this month! What did you get? Leave me a comment and a link below and I'll come check out all your awesome books xD

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren :) As always, huge thanks for hosting, Kristi! 


  1. Very nice. So many great YA books.


  2. Lots of new books for you this week. I have to admit that I'm a little bit jealous of Unravelling. I've been wanting to read that one for the longest time so I'll be looking forward to your review!

  3. Lots and lots of great books there! I've heard that STRUCK is really good. Hope you enjoy!

  4. Wow! You got a lot! I saw Forbidden and the envy just kept growing!! So can't wait to read that one next month!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Holy cow, what a great pile! And you got Unravelling! So jealous!

    My IMM

    Books, Biscuits, and Tea

  6. OMG you got *so* many books! I can't wait to get Forgiven, I love the sound of the Book of Blood and Shadow and the Killables sounds really, really good. Great haul this week

    The Cait Files

  7. I got Forgiven too(but last week)! And Hollow Pike! You lucky person, getting Struck! Enjoy them all.
    Nina @ Death Books and Tea

  8. Oh, awesome mailbox :D So jealous about Struck. I hope you enjoy everything that you got ;)
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  9. Aw, those cards are super cute! Plus Struck and Unravelling! Love your mailbox, enjoy all your reads! ;)

  10. Ohhhh Unraveling!!! I hope you like it! I'm really excited about that one! I got Struck last week, it looks like a really good one!!! Enjoy!

  11. Awesome books this week Bella! I love the look of Vixen and I must buy the Book of Blood and Shadow at some point! Happy reading :)

  12. As I said, love the Ladybird postcards!

    I also really love the UK cover for Book of Blood and Shadow. I've not read my copy yet though.

  13. How exciting!!! I hope you enjoy all the books :-)

  14. OMGosh there are SO many books here that I want to get my hands on! Awesome haul-- Struck, Torn, Vixen-- haha, yikes I need to calm down ;)

    Hope you enjoy everything you got in this week! You can check out my IMM for this week by clicking on the link below :)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  15. New follower! So jealous of the prints of Struck Blood and Shadow and Torn! I have them all on Kindle, but I would love to have them in print b/c they look so awesome! Enjoy all your lovely books! Here's my IMM if you'd like to follow back:

  16. great mailbox! Torn and Hollow Pike are both amazing!


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Thanks for commenting! :D I love comments, so comment away! :D

*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)

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