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Book Review: Weirdos vs Quimboids by Natasha Desborough

Bella's Reading...Title: Weirdos vs Quimboids 
Author: Natasha Desborough
Series:  ~
Pages:  285
Publisher: Catnip Books
Date of Publication: 3rd October 2013
Source: Event
Synopsis: Blossom Uxley-Michaels and Petrina-Ola Olsen, aka Bumface and Poohead are the school Weirdos. Fiona Tittledown and Lucy Perkins are the Winners biggest quimboids and stupidest slangers.

All that's set to change when Blossom and Petrina start on the school radio station. Not only do they get to work with the coolest proper real time HOTTEST boys in school, but Blossom has big plans to book some special guest appearances international ROCK GOD JOSH RAVEN. Plus working on the radio is the perfect opportunity to launch their band,

Nina and the Norks
The Violent Amputees


My Thoughts:
I was lucky enough to attend the launch party for Weirdos vs Quimboids on Tuesday last week. I didn't know too much about the book before I went, just that it looked really funny and it had had a few really glowing reviews. So, I went along and had such a great time that as soon as I'd finished the book I was reading, I started Weirdos vs Quimboids, and I whizzed through it it a matter of hours.

The first thing to say about Weirdos vs Quimboids has to be that it is really funny. Like, laugh-out-loud-in-public funny. Some of the things that happen are so ridiculous and so silly that you can't help but snigger and cringe and at there were points that I was actually crying with laughter. With the two main characters being called Blossom Uxley-Michaels (initials BUM) and Petrina-Ola Olsen (initials POO) and their band called Camel Toe, it's impossible not to laugh! Brilliant.

I actually really liked Blossom. At first she got on my nerves a little bit because she was so obsessed with becoming popular and wanting to get Felix to notice her, but once I got used to her she really made me laugh and I could forgive her for being so obsessive. As she was the narrator of the story, her voice seemed very authentic and being a teenager myself it was really great to be able to relate to her and I can totally understand some of her problems, from experience... :P

The rest of the characters were really great and had awesome personalities that were so individual, so it felt like each character was fleshed out really well. Blossom's family especially were great, although I do feel like her father could have fought harder to fix the problems he had with his wife, if that makes sense? (It will if you read it :P) I did really like Breeze though, Blossom's sister, and I liked how individual she was, but especially how she was confident and liked being different. I really hate it when people are ashamed that they're not the same as everyone else, or because they have a little bit of individuality... Anyway. That's a rant for another day!

I also really enjoyed the plot. Blossom is trying to get Josh Raven, a mega star, to perform at her school disco while simultaneously trying to get the hottest guy at school to dump his 'quimboid' girlfriend and snog her. Every few chapters Blossom sends Josh Raven's manager or publicity team (I forget who she actually emailed) an email to ask him to play, and each time they get more and more desperate as the school disco approaches and Blossom's still had no reply. These were so funny and so ridiculous, and I can totally imagine an obsessed fangirl doing that. There was also the Dempsey dating agency thing, which was great and it really worked well. It was so fun to read about! I won't say much more though, to keep you intrigued!

Overall I actually enjoyed Weirdos vs Quimboids way more than I thought I would. I don't often find books hilarious but I genuinely thought this one was. Full of awkward dates, embarrassing parents, and frequent naked moon dances, there's definitely something in there to make everyone laugh and I would most definitely recommend it if you're looking for something light and funny to read to relax. When can I read the next one?!

*Huge thanks to Catnip for hosting the launch and for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. In no way has this affected my opinion of the book. 


  1. This sounds so funny so I'm going to add it to my wishlist now and keep an eye out. I love the cover, too!

    Great review, Bella!


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*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)

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