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Book Review: Zom-B Baby by Darren Shan

Zom-B Baby (Zom-B, #5)Title: Zom-B Baby
Author: Darren Shan
Series:  Zom-B, #5
Pages:  215
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's Books
Date of Publication: 26th September 2013
Source: For review from publisher
Synopsis from Goodreads: B has spent the last few months bunking with the Angels, a group of teens dedicated to eradicating the evil dead from the face of the earth, beginning with the undead roaming the abandoned wreckage that was once London. But the Angels' mission is a bit more complicated than that, and B takes to the streets of a very changed London to decide: is it a mission really to be believed? But instead of answers, B finds a horror beyond imagining.

My Thoughts:
I think that Zom-B Baby is my favourite so far of the Zom-B series. I was so excited to read it that as soon as it dropped through my letterbox I quickly finished what I was reading so that I could get onto reading this. Sorry it's taken a little while to get my review out, but it's here now! I probably should get on with it...

We started to see B opening up a little more in Zom-B Angels, the previous book, and in Zom-B Baby she is even more open and you feel like you can really start to understand her as a character. Her loyalty and dedication to keeping the painter safe was admirable, even if was short lived. Everything that she did was very touching, and that is something that I never thought I would say about B Smith! It sounds kind of cheesy but I really like seeing her growing up and maturing, and I think that maybe she may even turn out to be a nice person one day :P

I really enjoyed the plot of this book, especially the London Eye scene. It was a lot of fun and it was great to see the characters doing something normal (or, something light hearted and for fun - for climbing up the London Eye is hardly normal) just to show that it's not all doom and gloom! I also think it was important to have that scene because the rest of the book's quite disturbing.

Disturbing. It's the best word I can think of to describe the zombie baby that the book is titled after. It's a mystery that I'm really looking forward to finding out more about later on in the series, and also it's just such a strange creature! It's like something out of Doctor Who, something more alien than zombie, so it'll be great to find out what the explanation for it is.

Overall, Zom-B Baby was a fantastic addition to the series and I'm sure that if you've been following the series you will think so too. And even if you haven't, you should definitely catch up quick, because it is definitely not a series to be missed and even more so as each book comes out.

*Huge thanks to Simon and Schuster for sending me this to me in exchange for an honest review. In no way has this affected my opinion of the book. 


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