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January 2014

Hello! I hope you've enjoyed the first month of this new year! I haven't had much time for reading due to stupid coursework deadlines (which was yesterday so all out of the way now yay) but I've had a good month nonetheless. Onto the books!

Books read:

Heist Society (Heist Society, #1)  How I Live Now  The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson (Jessie Jefferson #1)

1. Heist Society by Ally Carter (reread)
2. How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff
3. The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson by Paige Toon

See, told you I hadn't read much! Heist Society was a reread so I could catch up with the series, which I'm very much looking forward to doing in February. I don't think this series is as good as Gallagher Girls (yet!) but still a brilliant read! I saw How I Live Now at the library and thought I'd pick it up on a whim, and it was good! A bit strange though, and the writing style took a little getting used to, but I'm hoping to review it in Feb so if you want to know more look out for that! Lastly, The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson was surprising! I really liked it, and I definitely recommend you check it out. I think my favourite of this month!

This month's posts:

Letterbox Love
Instead of its own post, I'm just going to post a picture of all my new books each month here, as seeing everything together in one place is easier for you guys, right?

Displaying photo.JPG
Apologies for the bad picture!

I made use of the library this month, for the two Heist Society sequels, How I Live Now and Everybody Sees the Ants (which unfortunately I don't think I'll have time to read before I have to take it back.) I got More Than This from Rhys at ThirstForFiction as a Christmas present, so thanks! Very excited for that one. I also attended two blogger showcase events at Random House Children's Books and Faber and Faber, and from them I got some very exciting proofs and finished copies, including Running Girl (which has been compared to SHERLOCK! VERY exciting!) and Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea which I didn't realise was being published here but also looks great, from what I've seen and heard about it so far. Thanks to all who sent/bought me books this month!

I'm sure everyone's already seen this but this happened this month and it's related to books and oh I cried. If you don't know what it is, then go and read The Fault In Our Stars by John Green RIGHT NOW. Then come back and watch this and I dare you not to cry.

In February, I'm looking forward to reading...

Echo Boy  Zom-B Gladiator (Zom-B, #6)  Etiquette and Espionage (Finishing School, #1)

Lastly, here are some great new titles to look out for in February!

Banished: The Blackhart Legacy: Book One    Thirteen
Cress (Lunar Chronicles, #3)    

Thanks for reading! I hope all of your Februarys are fantastic :D

What have you been reading this month?


  1. I actually prefer Heist Society to the Gallagher Girls books. Funny!
    More Than This is SO good. You must read it soon!
    I'm really looking forward to the release of Banished this month. I won a copy the other day and I'm very excited about it!

    Best of wishes for February, Bella!

  2. I really need to get reading the Heist Society books as I loved the first one. I'm the opposite of most people in that I didn't really get on with the Gallagher Girls series - didn't get past book 1 but love Heist Society :)

    Oh and I can't wait for Banished :)

  3. Oh I'm glad you read How I Love Now! It is an odd one, but I need to re-read it again as it's been about 8 years...

  4. Hope you are having a good month! All the books from blogger events look amazing, hard to choose which to read first. I received the first Heist Society book a couple of weeks ago, and it will be my first time reading the series :-)


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*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)

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