Hello! YALC 2018 is coming up this month - who's excited?! I sure am!
To celebrate (and also to prepare because I am very organised and like to be prepared) I am setting myself my own little YALC challenge. It's very simple and you can join in too!
If you don't know, YALC is the Young Adult Literature Convention which happens at LFCC in London. It's the fifth year this year, and it's always great fun so I can't wait. I like to have read as many books of the authors who attend every year and so that's how this challenge was born. Read on for a list of what I'm gonna try to read before the weekend! In no particular order (because I literally never stick to it):
1. All These Beautiful Strangers by Elizabeth Klehforth - This is published on 19th July and I'm half-way through now and really enjoying it! It's very intriguing, and I'm loving learning a little bit more about the story every chapter. It's got multiple narratives and lots of secrets, and I can't wait to see how it ends.
7. The Taste of Blue Light by Lydia Ruffles - Again, this is one I've not heard loads about but it interested me and I've read a couple of glowing reviews so I snapped it up as part of an offer at Waterstones, but never got round to it so now is the perfect opportunity.
I've read a bunch of other books already that will also be featured at YALC, so keep your eyes peeled for a post recommending those soon!
If you need more information about the authors who'll be attending, the best place for information is @yalc_uk on Twitter, and you can view the schedule here.

To celebrate (and also to prepare because I am very organised and like to be prepared) I am setting myself my own little YALC challenge. It's very simple and you can join in too!
It's easy: read as many books by YALC authors as you can before Friday 27th July, ie, Day One of YALC.
If you don't know, YALC is the Young Adult Literature Convention which happens at LFCC in London. It's the fifth year this year, and it's always great fun so I can't wait. I like to have read as many books of the authors who attend every year and so that's how this challenge was born. Read on for a list of what I'm gonna try to read before the weekend! In no particular order (because I literally never stick to it):

2. The Smoke Thieves by Sally Green - I'm not usually a fan of fantasy but I'm gonna give this a go anyway as I'll be meeting Sally at YALC! I've heard very good things so I'm going to keep an open mind and hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised!
3. Orphan Monster Spy by Matt Killeen - I've actually just finished this one, and it was so so great! I've included it in my challenge because I'll be reviewing it between now and YALC and I'm looking forward to Matt's panels.
4. Rebel of the Sands trilogy by Alwyn Hamilton - I read the first book of this series back when it first came out but never made it to the other books so thought I better give them a try again! Need to reread the first one though to remind myself of what happened...
5. Floored by Sara Barnard, Non Pratt, Holly Bourne, Melinda Salisbury, Tanya Byrne, Lisa Williamson, and Eleanor Wood - I am so so so excited for this book! I've been waiting impatiently since it was announced and I cannot wait to read it! I'll definitely be prioritising this as it's so many fab authors (and a few who are new to me too!).
6. I Am Thunder by Muhammad Khan - I haven't heard too much about this one but I think it sounds very interesting! A little different to my usual choice of book so I'm looking forward to it.

8. Second Best Friend by Non Pratt - I love Non and her books so of course looking forward to whipping through this novella!
9. Bookshop Girl by Chloe Coles - This looks like so much fun - a book about books, what is not to love?! Can't wait!
10. The Surface Breaks by Louise O'Neill - This is another little cheat, I have read this one but again I'm counting it in my challenge because I read it for YALC! It's a dark and feminist retelling of The Little Mermaid, and although I didn't love it, I did find it very interesting. I'll be reviewing it soon so look out for that!
11. The Fandom by Anna Day - this is a library book that sadly has to go back to the library soon so I'm not sure I will get to read it but I'm hoping to! I've heard mixed things to be honest, but I'm intrigued by the synopsis and so I'm gonna give it a go.
12. A Sky Painted Gold by Laura Wood - I would be lying if the cover didn't make me even more excited for this book, it's just sooo shiny and gorgeous! It's set in the 1920s which is one of my favourite periods and so I can't wait.
I've read a bunch of other books already that will also be featured at YALC, so keep your eyes peeled for a post recommending those soon!
If you need more information about the authors who'll be attending, the best place for information is @yalc_uk on Twitter, and you can view the schedule here.
Are you attending YALC? What are you reading for it? Have you read any of these titles and if so what did you think?
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*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)