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Book Review: Knight Angels: Book of Love by Abra Ebner

Book of Love (Knight Angels, #1)When seventeen-year-old Jane Taylor witnessed her father's death, something happened to her. Ever since, her thoughts have been consumed by death, going so far as to foresee the ever-changing deaths of those around her. Sixteen-year-old Emily Taylor resented her sister's closeness with their father, who died when she was six. With the strange ability to read minds, she drowns the voices out with drugs, sending Jane over the edge. When seventeen-year-old Wes Green was adopted, he moved in next door to Jane, finding in her a childhood friend turned high-school crush. All summer, the pain in his bones seemed unwarranted. He was done growing long ago. When senior year starts, however, the pain only gets worse. The foreseen changes are not expected, and far too animal for his taste. When Max Gordon found himself standing above the dying body of an innocent seven-year-old girl, he saw in her eyes something he hadn't seen in the century he'd spent roaming Earth. Her father was already dead, but there was hope to save her. Jane was her name, and already she was all he ever wanted. It was his job to bring her back, and it was his job to protect her - the biggest mistake of his life. When these four teens enter Glenwood High their senior year, no one but Max could understand the future ahead of them. Drawn together by blood and friendship, they each hide a dark secret that will soon bind them together. Max has to protect Jane, Jane wants to be normal, Wes wants Jane to love him, and Emily just wants the voices to stop... But their fate just wants them dead. -from

Book of Love is the first book in the Knight Angels series by Abra Ebner. This self-published novel has everything a good teen romance should have and more.

The main characters are Jane, Max, Emily, Wes and Greg. Instead of chapters, the book is told by these characters, from their points of view, which gives us an insight into all the characters heads, and what they are feeling about a certain situation, and how it differs to the feelings of the other characters. At times, this way of writing could become confusing, but Ebner weaves the tale in such a way, that everything is clear, and it was a great way of writing the novel. 

The characters in the novel were written well, and they were believable. They seemed like a mismatched bunch of teenagers, all trying to cope with things, without realising that they all had almost the same problem. I liked Emily the best, as throughout the book, she changes so much, and there is never a dull moment when reading her. Jane, on the other hand, bored me a little. She was very goody-two-shoes, and never does anything wrong. Something I did like about her though, was the fact that even though she knew that there were magickal things going on, she didn't want to believe it because the whole thing sounded like 'one of the vampire books that Emily reads', and she didn't immediately believe whatever came out of Max's mouth.

And onto Max. Max was the perfect love interest for Jane. He's mysterious and handsome, everything a good teen bad-boy should be. Max and his brother Greg really reminded me of the Salvatore brothers from The Vampire Diaries by LJ Smith. They were two incredibly hot, mysterious boys, one good, one bad. They were portrayed well, and I enjoyed reading about them, and wouldn't mind if one of them randomly appeared in my school... 

And lastly, onto Wes. I didn't really care much for Wes, though when he was trying to get Jane to love him, he was very sweet. He's the character that right from the start, you know is not going to get what he wants, and that's sad, but as I said before, it didn't really bother me. He was just a character that played an important role in the book, but he didn't stand out to me. 

Book of Love was more of a love story with a twist, rather than a paranormal novel. The main focus, I felt, was the love between Max and Jane, and I do think that maybe Ebner could have brought out the mythology behind the magickal beings and  the action more throughout the book, as then it might have been more engaging, and would appeal to a wider audience. Although, having said this, I really did enjoy reading this love story with a twist. 

Ebner has created a unique world, full of unexpected twists and turns, and I loved it. I'm definitely looking forward to reading book 2, Book of Revenge, and I'm excited to find out what will happen next.

I give it 4 feet!


  1. I've never even heard of this series before but I like the sound of it. Thanks for putting this one on my radar!

  2. I saw this given away on First Reads awhile ago, and the cover was pretty. Would you say the story was dark at all?

    Sniffly Kitty
    Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books

  3. @Aylee - It's really good! You should definitely read it. I hadn't heard of it before until I read a review on a blog either... I think it should be more popular. =]

    @Sniffly Kitty - It's not that dark, like I said before, it's more of a love story, but there are some drugs and fights in it... But I've read books that are a lot darker. =]

  4. This looks really good. I've just tried to find it on a few different sites and it's not the easliest book to find. But I will find it. I really liked your review. Thanks!

  5. I'm glad to hear that while you get to read through the perspective of each character, the writing doesn't become confusing. As much as I love reading through alternating viewpoints, sometimes it tends to distract me from the story, especially if the characters have really similar voices.


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