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Armchair BEA: Introduction to Cheezyfeet Books

Hey everyone, are you here for Armchair BEA? :)

If you are, welcome to Cheezyfeet Books! My name is Bella, I'm 14, and I'm from the UK :) I wish I could go to BEA, but with school and BEA being in America, there was no chance :( Anyone else missing BEA in the UK? Let me know in the comments, and I'll be sure to go check out your blog! Or tweet me: @CheezyfeetBooks

My preferred genres are, if you couldn't already tell, YA! :D I love anything YA, whether it's paranormal, contemporary, historical, sci-fi, whatever, I don't care :D Paranormal and Dystopian are my favourite though :) What about you?

Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1)  Divergent  Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1)

Some of my favourite books are Paranormalcy by Kiersten White and Divergent by Veronica Roth, though I don't think either of those authors will be at BEA... I also love Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series, and I've included a little about her new book Bloodlines below :)

What am I excited about for BEA this year? Well, of course I'm looking forward to all the awesome books that we'll be hearing about in the next week or so, and I'm really looking forward to all the reviews of the books that the lucky people actually going to BEA will get to read and review :) I'm also looking forward to getting to know other bloggers more, either via the Twitter parties that are being organised this week, or by the blogger interviews on Wednesday (especially excited for these, it's just a shame that I'm not taking part :( Oh well!)

What do I hope will happen this week? Mostly, I want to make some new blogger friends! I love chatting to people about books online, it's so easy and there's not really anyone IRL that I can talk to apart from 1 or 2 school friends, and my parents, who, while they are interested, aren't quite interested enough ;) So I'm hoping to make some new friends, and to find some more awesome blogs!

Some mock inteview style questions about me:

What's your favouite TV programme?
Right now I have 3: Gossip Girl, 90210 and The Vampire Diaries :)

What are you listening to right now?
A playlist of P!nk, Taylor Swift, MIKA, KT Tunstall and Selena Gomez :)

Favourite food?
Well, duh, but I love chocolate :D

One book everyone should read?
Ooh... There are so many! But I'll choose one that I didn't mention above, The Iron King by Julie Kagawa it's my favourite faery book ever :)

Do you have any other hobbies besides from reading?
Well, most of my time is taken up by reading/blogging, but when I'm not, I play flute and piano :)

Any guilty pleasures?
I'm addicted to CityVille :) I've said this more than once, but seriously, I cannot stop.

A few of the many books that I'm most excited to here about this week:

The Scorpio RacesThe Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater - This one looks so amazing! Anything by Maggie is awesome, and I'm sure this one will be no exception :) It doesn't even have a synopsis yet, but the cover is so pretty... :)

Bloodlines (Bloodlines, #1)Bloodlines by Richelle Mead - So jealous of everyone who gets a copy of this! The autographing session looks amazing, I cannot wait for this book, the Moroi and Strigoi world is one of my favourites :D This one is about Sydney protecting Jill Dragomir in a human school, so it'll be interesting to see how this one plays out when the book isn't set in a world that knows about vampires.

The Carrier of the MarkThe Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon - Again, so jealous of everyone who gets a copy of this :) If anyone at BEA sees this post, maybe bring me back a copy of these titles? I would seriously love you forever. :D No really, this book looks awesome and the cover is gorgeous, I can't wait to read it! :)

And those are all the books I'll post today, I'll post some more tomorrow :) Leave a link to your Armchair BEA introductory post in the comments, and I'll be sure to come visit you sometime this week! :D

Thanks for reading my post, and leave a comment below to introduce yourself! :) Don't be shy, I don't bite! Also, remember to visit Armchair BEA to visit the almost 400 blogs taking part :) And lastly, have an awesome Armchair BEA!


  1. MIKA and KT Tunstall!? I knew I liked you! xD Also, like you, Gossip Girl is one of my favorite shows to watch! :) Plus I completely agree with you about Carrier of the Mark--it sounds amazing and it's got a gorgeous cover. You can find my introductory post over here.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your Armchair BEA posts!

  2. Has anyone ever told you that you have excellent taste? I LOVE The Vampire Diaries! And Divergent is honestly one of THE best books I have read this year. So flipping amazing! I'm also a huge fan of the Vampire Academy series. I'm writhing in jealousy at everyone who manages to score a copy of Bloodlines at BEA! I'm going to be stalking their blogs waiting for a review to posted haha.

    Nice to meet your British awesomeness! My introductory post is here

  3. Dropping by to say hi! Thanks for leaving a comment in my ArmchairBEA post, just wanted to mention that my books aren't always arranged by color. I just did that for the photos. :P

    I have a feeling you aren't the only blogger in the UK who can't make it to BEA. Aren't there a lot of bloggers in the UK? I hope you get to find someone who lives near you and that you'll be able to meet in person.

  4. We have a lot in common!

    Now I know why you haven't heard of Pop-Tarts! They're a US thing! I should ship you some, I wonder what it would cost to ship food? Customs is funny about that stuff. There's a site on pop-tarts, LOL, check it out. I like traditional old ones.


  5. That's a bummer that there isn't a UK BEA :/ Maybe in the future???

    Here's mine!

  6. i love love love UK bloggers and the flavor that you all bring to the blogging community. and besides, i'm jealous of where you are. :)

    have a great Armchair BEA week.

  7. Great intro post. I can't wait to read more from you this week. Here's my post

  8. Thanks for dropping by! It's awesome that you are only 14 and already bloggin!

    Have fun this week. :)

  9. I feel like BEA is far from me and I live in the U.S. I'm sure it is much harder for you to fly over.

  10. It was nice meeting you earlier via twitter. Unless I'm ill or traveling (and don't have access to the internet), I post a review each and every day. Come learn more about me and my blog.

  11. How exciting to have you participate! I can't even imagine being a book blogger at 14, but you are doing an incredible job!

    On behalf of the Armchair BEA organizers thanks so much for participating! We really are so happy to have you!


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Thanks for commenting! :D I love comments, so comment away! :D

*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)

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