Hey! Welcome to my monthly round-up post for March - I remembered! ;) This is where I'll just post all the books I've read this month, what I liked, what I didn't like, what I'm excited for next month, and all stuff like that! So, here's everything I've read this month!

1. Forgiven by Jana Oliver
2. Fever by Lauren Destefano
3. Goddess Interrupted by Aimee Carter
4. Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
5. Raising Demons by Rachel Hawkins
6. Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins
7. Spellcaster by Cara Lynn Shultz
So I didn't really read all that much this month... I was hoping to read more but lately I've been doing other things instead, even though I don't want to be. Mostly Twitter, to be honest, I just can't keep off it! I'm hoping to read more in April, because the first two weeks of it are the Easter holidays (woo!) so I'll have plenty of time, in theory ;)
Here's my monthly maths:
Number of pages read in March: 2467
Average number of pages per book: 352
The honour of favourite book of the month goes to...
SPELL BOUND by Rachel Hawkins

My review is posted here.
What am I looking forward to reading in April? Lots! But here's what I especially can't wait for:

So do any of you remember I said I'd post who commented the most on my posts this month? Yeah, I forgot too... ;P But I thought I'd count up anyway, see who it was ;D And it was...
Thanks for commenting! *hugs* I got more comments this month than last month, do you think it was this? I don't - I think it was just coincidence to be honest... Oh well, I'll keep counting up the comments, it only takes a couple of minutes ;)
Thanks for reading! Leave me a comment about anything you read here, or if you just wanted to say something, etc... I love comments so seriously, just say whatever (but be nice ;P ) I hope you all had a great March and I wish you a happy April! :D
Yay for Spellbound! Wasn't it awesome?!! And well done Raimy ;)