Title: Carrier of the Mark Author: Leigh Fallon Series: Carrier Trilogy #1 Pages: 342 Publisher: HarperCollins Children's Books Date of Publication: 27th October 2011 Source: Publisher* Synopsis from Goodreads: Their love was meant to be. When Megan Rosenberg moves to Ireland, everything in her life seems to fall into place. After growing up in America, she's surprised to find herself feeling at home in her new school. She connects with a group of friends, and she is instantly drawn to darkly handsome Adam DeRÍs. But Megan is about to discover that her feelings for Adam are tied to a fate that was sealed long ago—and that the passion and power that brought them together could be their ultimate destruction. My Thoughts: I was SO excited to read this book. And, I'm not going to lie, it was mostly because of the cover. I mean, it's GORGEOUS. I read the synopsis and thought it sounded great, so I added it to my to-read list. Then, once I got it,