It's the 25th June, and my first blogoversary is on Friday 1st July (yay!) which is just under a week away, and I'm going to make it special! I've decided, along with the help of five other awesome bloggers, I'm going to do a 'Guess the Book Scavenger Hunt!' What is this 'Guess the Book Scavenger Hunt'? I've chosen a book that I am highly anticipating, and you have to guess what it is. How do you do that? By hopping around some book blogs, who will post a clue on each day in the upcoming week, starting today, ending on Friday, my first blogoversary. I will be posting the first and last clue, and there will be a form to fill in for your answer. If you get it right, I will enter you into a giveaway to win a copy of that book! Also, I have some awesome swag for you lucky peeps living in the UK that I'll post on Friday :) Who's taking part and when? As I said before, there are five awesome bloggers who are helping me :) There will be s