Title: The Worst Girlfriend In The World Author: Sarra Manning Series: n/a Pages: 352 Publisher: ATOM Books Date of Publication: 1st May, 2014 Source: Bought Synopsis from Goodreads: My best friend was now my deadliest enemy, the one person I'd hate beyond all measure for the rest of my life . . . Franny Barker's best friend, Alice, is the worst girlfriend in the world according to the many boys of Merrycliffe-on-Sea. She toys with them, then dumps them. But she'll never dump fashion-obsessed Franny. Nothing and no one can come between them. Not even tousle-haired rock god, Louis Allen, who Franny's been crushing on hard. Until Alice, bored with immature boys and jealous of Franny's new college friends, sets her sights on Louis. Suddenly, best friends are bitter rivals. Is winning Louis's heart worth more than their friendship? There's only one way for Franny to find out. My Thoughts: I read Adorkable last summer, and I abso