Title: Zom-B City Author: Darren Shan Series: Zom-B, #3 Pages: 224 Publisher: Simon and Schuster Children's Date of Publication: 14th March 2013 Source: Publisher* Synopsis from Goodreads: How many survived the zombie apocalypse?Where do the living hide in a city of the dead? Who controls the streets of London? B Smith is setting out to explore... My Thoughts: Just as the second improved on the first, this book, Zom-B City (book three) improved yet again. It was my favourite of the three so far and I'm very much looking forward to carrying on with B's story. This book takes place after B has broken out into open air after being kept underground with the other zom heads in book two, Zom-b Underground . As she wanders around London, it was really great to read about so many familiar places, places I've visited so many times. It just made the story even more vivid for me, to be able to really follow B around London and follow the story aro