Title: The Iron Trial Authors: Holly Black and Cassandra Clare Series: Magisterium, #1 Pages: 295 Publisher: Doubleday Children's Books Date of Publication: 9th September 2014 Source: Publisher for review* Synopsis from Goodreads: From NEW YORK TIMES bestselling authors Holly Black and Cassandra Clare comes a riveting new series that defies what you think you know about the world of magic. From two bestselling superstars, a dazzling and magical middle-grade collaboration centering on the students of the Magisterium, an academy for those with a propensity toward magic. In this first book, a new student comes to the Magisterium against his will -- is it because he is destined to be a powerful magician, or is the truth more twisted than that? It's a journey that will thrill you, surprise you, and make you wonder about the clear-cut distinction usually made between good and evil. My Thoughts: I didn't really know that...