Crank. Glass. Ice. Crystal. Whatever you call it, it's all the same; a monster. Kristina thinks she can control it. Now, with a baby to care for, she is determined to be the one deciding when and how much, the one calling the shots. But the monster is strong, and before she knows it, Kristina is back in its grip... and it won't let go. - From the back of the book.
Ellen Hopkins is amazing. I loved Crank, and I loved Glass even more. I just hope she has written Fallout just as well.
I do have to say though, that this book is incredibly frustrating. The most annoying thing about it is, the fact that Kristina knew she was slowly killing herself, she was unable to look after herself, let alone her baby, and that she had completely destroyed her life, yet she still kept going back to the drugs. I don't have an experience with an addiction like that, but surely having a baby, some one to be responsible for, is enough to set you back on your feet?
Glass is written in the same format as Crank, in poems. They're not really poems though, just a story set out in a different way. I like it this way, because it makes it seem more like someone who is on drugs is telling the story, rather than having it set out like a regular book. It just helps to set the scene.
Kristina starts off well in the second book in the series. She doesn't smoke or use, because she's been pregnant, with Hunter. Now though, Hunter is born, and she's craving cancer sticks and meth. She tries a new form of crank, called glass, and is immediately addicted. Though she promises herself to keep her usage low and keep Bree locked away inside her head, slowly, her condition deteriorates. And she won't, or can't, stop using.
Glass is very depressing. If you've read Crank, you'll understand. It's for hardcore readers, and if you only like light and fluffy novels, then this isn't for you. It's definitely a book for older teens, and if you can cope with hardcore books, then you'll love this. If not, I wouldn't recommend it. I'm still going to give it 5 stars though!
I give it 5 Feet!
I won't read this series. Basically for the reasons you've said. I'm a hard core reader but I don't like poor decisions, and reading about them hurts me. I get frustrated easily. I just read and reviewed Identical (which was AMAZING), you should check it out.