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Book Blogger Hop #21 and Follow Friday #16

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee at Parajunkee's View. :D

Book Blogger Hop

If you could physically put yourself into a book or series... which one would it be and why? 

My answer: I would love to be in Paranormalcy by Kiersten White. I'd love to meet Evie, I think she'd be awesome, and I would also love to meet Lend and see how he looks in the flesh. I think that the Paranormalcy world was awesomely written, and I loved reading about it, so to visit it would be even better! 

Inspired by the inane Twitter trend of #100randomfactsaboutme, give us five book related silly facts about you.

My answer:
1. I try to keep my books in pristine condition. Yes, I'm one of those weirdos who refuse to crease the spine on my books.
2. All my books are in correct alphabetical order on my bookshelves. 
3. I have a bright pink Kindle case. 
4. I love my 'Mighty Bright Book Light' which was one of the most useful Christmas presents I have ever received.
5. When the sequel to a book I have on my bookshelf comes out, and it's available on Kindle, I still have to buy the print copy so that all of that series is in the same place. 

What's happened at Cheezyfeet Books this week?


  1. haha I have a bright pink Kindle cover too! My bf chose it - I would have wanted red, but I've grown to love this color.

    New follower!

  2. I was going to get a bright pink cover for my NookColor, but I ended up getting a gorgeous leather Oberon cover in Sky Blue. :) I LOVE it and I wouldn't trade it for any other cover in the world (except maybe another Oberon lol). If you want to see it, I wrote a whole post about it right after I got it for my birthday this year. Here's a link to that post:

    Anyway, I'm an old follower just hopping through for FF. I hope you're having a fabulous Friday morning though and I'll ttyl! :)

    -Sandra from

  3. I'm such a scaredy cat that it would never work for me to be in a paranormal world.

    Here's my post for this blog hop. Hope you will stop by.

    I'm a new follower!

  4. Oh no, we're not weirdos for not wanting a big ol' crease on our books spines! We're normal. The weirdos are the ones who crease the spine! ;)

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower
    Jessica@a GREAT read

  5. A pink Kindle case? My whole laptop is pink! Lovely color! :-)

    Happy reading.

  6. A pink Kindle case?! Jealous :) I have a Nook, haha. New follower, by the way!

  7. I always keep my books like new! No breaking of the spine, no dog ears! I'm already a follower. My FF is at Coffee Table Press

  8. Hopping through. I'd love to meet Evie and Lend too! And Lish if she were still around.
    My Hop

  9. I have a bright purple Kindle case. I love it! It's so much fun to carry around, isn't it?

  10. I have a black Sony Ereader case. How boring, but I wanted to join in on the sharing.

    old follower

  11. Thanks for hopping by my blog! I haven't read Paranormalcy yet, but I so plan to! I've only heard awesome things about it :)

    Izzy @ My Words Ate Me

  12. I actually bought a pink computer. Crazy, huh? (And it really doesn't work all that great, but it looks beautiful.)

    Here's my post for this hop. Hope you will stop by. I always follow back.

  13. It's not weird to not want to crease the spine! It's completely normal ;) I hate spine creases :(
    Oh! I forgot about Paranormalcy! I'd love to meet Lend too. I could sit there for ages watching him change shapes :D

  14. Hahaha a pink cover. I have a black one.

    I agree, you have to get the print version, too!

    iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)I'm almost finished Paranormalcy and I have loved every single page of the book. Evie is such a unique character and I would jump into the book in a heartbeat.

    And I totally need a Mighty Bright Book Light. My book lights are so crappy, so I've resorted to using a flashlight so I won't have to use a lamp and keep my hunny up all night.

    Have a great weekend!

    Mandy @ Embrace Your Oddities

  16. Ohh, I think it would be awesome to meet Lend! Great pick! I really want a pink case for my nook. ;) Happy Reading!

  17. Hi, I'm a new follower :) I think I already follow you on twitter (I'm @booktooth) because Cheezyfeet sounds really familiar, haha. I'd love it if you'd check out my blog, too!


  18. Such a awesome blog name :)
    I have a pink kindle case too ^^
    I'm also another one of those weirdos that hate cracked spines, I'm yet to create a method where that does not happen though. But, hey, if you know, TELL ME!!

    My blog


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Thanks for commenting! :D I love comments, so comment away! :D

*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)

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