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Book Review: Foretold by Jana Oliver

Foretold (The Demon Trappers, #4)Title: Foretold
Author: Jana Oliver
Series: The Demon Trappers, #4
Pages:  438
Publisher: MacMillan Children's Books
Date of Publication: 2nd August 2012
Source: Publisher*
Synopsis from Goodreads: Riley’s always known that Beck had a chequered history, but she’s not prepared for what it actually means to be in love with a guy with this many dark secrets. Now that he’s finally admitted to himself that he’s in love with her too, there’s no more hiding the truth about his past. And as it turns out, fending off a demon apocalypse is nothing compared to what’s to come...

My Thoughts:
When I first started this series, I was under the impression it was going to be a trilogy. I can't remember if that was just me assuming that it would be, or whether it originally was planned to be a trilogy and then they added a fourth book, but when I heard that said fourth book had been added, I was kind of annoyed. So many trilogies were gaining fourth books and it looked like I would never see the end of any series, and find out how everything wraps up in the end. Before I read this, I was worried it may drag a little, or feel completely unnecessary and kind of ruin the series for me, (think, Breaking Dawn) since it was never planned in the first place, but I'm happy to report that it has everything I expected from a Demon Trappers book and it did not disappoint in the slightest. I think I'd even go as far as to say it was my favourite of the four.

As usual, the book dives straight into the action, and from then on, it never stops. (Forgive me for being repetitive in my reviews, but it seems that every book I'm reading now is action-packed and fast paced...) The first part of the book does not take place in the usual setting of Atlanta, but in Beck's hometown of Sadlersville. Riley is sent with him to visit his dying mother to see if she can finally gain some insight into the life that he is so desperately trying to hide from her. This was by far and away my favourite part of the book, possibly even the series. I loved getting to know Beck properly and it was SO awesome to finally see him opening up to Riley. If, like me, in the third book you were getting frustrated and just need to know what lies in Beck's past - don't worry, it all gets explained completely.

I've always loved Beck, even in the first book when he came across as a bit of jerk. He's always been there for Riley, without fail, and it's an awesome thing to see that it wasn't all for nothing. There were times when I thought that everything between them would just go to pot, but they stood by each other and didn't let the small things stop them. Despite everything that they're going through with the demons and the war between Heaven and Hell, they manage to get stronger everyday, and gah it's just adorable.** And Riley, as usual, is kick-butt and sarcastic, and she's such a great character. She never fails to entertain her readers, and I don't really think there's anything I can say that wouldn't just be repeating everything else I've said about her in my reviews of the previous books!

The battle between Heaven and Hell is finally wrapped up in this book and it was nice to see everything coming together. I must admit, sometimes I got a bit lost in the battles and I couldn't quite remember what side everyone was on, and it got confusing quite easily, but I don't think the tiny details I missed were that important. I have a good overall understanding, I like to think, so if you're worried about getting muddled, don't, because the nitty gritty details which I often miss in battles and lots of action aren't too important to the plot!

So apart from it being a bit confusing, Foretold really is a spectacular conclusion to a series which is definitely near the top of my List of All-Time Favourite Series. Ever. With awesome characters that you can laugh at, worry about, love and love to hate, and a super fast-paced and exciting plot line complete with a little drama, some romance and a lot of fighting, this book has everything. If you haven't read this series, YOU MUST. I insist. You'll love it!

*Huge thanks to MacMillan for sending me this in exchange for an honest review! In no way has this affected my opinion of the book. 

*People who've read it - the end, with the rings?! The most adorable thing I have EVER read about xD


  1. I always thought that this was going to be a trilogy too. Glad to see you enjoyed it though! Looking forwards to reading more about Beck...Thanks for the review!

  2. HOLY CRAP! Book 4? I've totally wanted to start reading these and now there are 4 books??? *sigh*


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*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)

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