Jacinda is a rareness in her pride, a fire-breathing draki. She's fed up of being 'owned' by the pride, and so she rebels, and goes flying in daylight, something which is completely forbidden. When she's almost killed by hunters, Jacinda's crime has led the pride to punish her, in the unimaginable way. So her mother whisks her and her sister away, into the world of humans, where her draki will die, and the family's troubles will be over. But Jacinda hates the human world. She cannot let go of that part of her, can't let it wither and die, even when the draki in her fades, and it's harder and harder for her to manifest. The only hope that Jacinda has to keep her draki alive is Will, the hunter who refused to kill her. Jacinda knows that getting close to him could risk her and her family's life, yet he keeps her draki alive, and the pair can't help but be drawn to each other, risking Jacinda and her pride's biggest secret.
I'll start this review with the end of the book. I have one major issue, and that is the end. It feels very unfinished, and as I turned the last page, it really felt like a few pages were missing from the back. I'm guessing the author was trying to leave it nice and open for the next book, and it certainly does that, but it needed a bit more closure, and maybe an epilogue.
Apart from this though, the book was really good. The world of the draki was well thought out, and I just got lost in Jacinda's world. I loved the side story about the gems, how the draki can sense the gems under the ground, and how the gems talk and call out to the draki.
Jacinda was a good heroine, independent and determined. She refused to let her draki die, and I really felt for her, even though sometimes she was being a little selfish and slightly bratty. Her relationship with Will is sweet, though it did take a long time to actually get going. Jacinda took a little too long deciding whether or not she wanted to be with Will, and I did get a bit impatient, waiting for her to accept him. When they did though, their relationship was well-written, and at the end, they are so sweet.
I really loved this book. It was the first book I read on my new Kindle, so that was nice. I recommend this to anyone who loves paranormal romances, or just young adult books in general. I've never read anything about dragons (or were-dragons) before, and I was a little hesitant, because I don't really see how a human can shift into another form, but I suppose it's no different from werewolves... Anyway, it's really good, and if you haven't read it already, do!
I give it 5 Feet!
I've often felt impatient with characters too! Sometimes they just seem to need a little slap, lol! Anyway, I really enjoyed your review!