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Book Review: City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments, #4)Title: City of Fallen Angels
Author: Cassandra Clare
Series: The Mortal Instruments #4
Pages: 424
Date of UK Publications: 7th April 2011
Source: Bought
Synopsis from Goodreads: The Mortal War is over, and Clary Fray is back home in New York, excited about all the possibilities before her. She's training to become a Shadowhunter and to use her unique power. Her mother is getting married to the love of her life. Downworlders and Shadowhunters are at peace at last. And—most important of all—Clary can finally call Jace her boyfriend.

But nothing comes without a price.

Someone is murdering the Shadowhunters who used to be in Valentine's Circle, provoking tensions between Downworlders and Shadowhunters that could lead to a second bloody war. Clary's best friend, Simon, can't help her. His mother just found out that he's a vampire and now he's homeless. Everywhere he turns, someone wants him on their side—along with the power of the curse that's wrecking his life. And they're willing to do anything to get what they want. At the same time he's dating two beautiful, dangerous girls—neither of whom knows about the other.

When Jace begins to pull away from Clary without explaining why, she is forced to delve into the heart of a mystery whose solution reveals her worst nightmare: She herself has set in motion a terrible chain of events that could lead to her losing everything she loves. Even Jace.

Love. Blood. Betrayal. Revenge. The stakes are higher than ever in City of Fallen Angels.

My Thoughts:
I'm telling you now, this isn't really a review. Most likely it will just be me gushing about how awesome the book is, and about how much I love Jace. So, read on if you want, but I won't judge you if you get bored and decide not to. I loved the book, that's really all you need to know. Now, my fan-girly-ness is about to emerge...


I'm so glad there was another book to this series! I know that City of Glass wrapped things up nicely, and there could have not been another book, but I'm so glad there is! When Jace got stabbed in CoG, I almost stopped reading, because I couldn't imagine the books without him. That would be awful. But I kept reading, hoping that by some miracle he would come back from the dead. And when he did, I was SO happy, I could hardly contain myself. So when I heard about CoFA, I was extremely excited, and I was literally waiting by the door waiting for Mr. Postman to shove it through my letterbox.

Anyway, enough about that, onto the actual book. It was amazing. It was so good, I loved every second of every minute. Every word in every sentence on every page. Incredible. It was amazing. The characters are as wonderful as they've always been and Jace is still perfect... :L

Anyway, the plot was full of suspense and fast-paced action, and I had no idea what on earth was going on. I laughed, I cried, I screamed in frustration, and I very nearly threw it on the floor in my anger. (I didn't, because that would ruin the spine, or crease the pages, and we can't have that now, can we? :L) As you may be able to tell, I'm a little bit hysterical at the moment. Not sure why, I guess it's because I'm excited I finished it and can't wait for the next one, but I know I have a year or so to wait? Who knows...

So there you go, those are my ramblings about CoFA. What did you think? You loved it, you hated it? Let me know in the comments :D

My Rating:
Of course, I give it 5 huge CHEEZY FEET! :D

2011 YA Paranormal Reading Challenge #18
2011 100+ Reading Challenge #27


  1. Lol it's obvious you really enjoyed this book! When I first reviewed CoB my review was exactly the same haha. I wish we didn't have to wait for the next one =[

  2. Who knows exactly, but you can bet that whatever the premise may be, it's going to be good. I mean c''s Cassandra Clare and the Mortal Instruments series we're talkin about here. Those are without a shadow of a doubt some of the best books I have read so far. Sure, they're young adult reads...and I'm 30 years old, but if it's one thing I never wanted to lose growing up, it's my imagination...and I still enjoy a good fantasy and/or supernatural read...and the Mortal Instruments series has been a great mix of both!


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