Author: Lisa and Laura Roecker
Series: The Liar Society #1
Pages: 361
Date of UK Publication: March 1st 2011
Source: Bought
Synopsis from Goodreads: Kate Lowry didn't think dead best friends could send e-mails. But when she gets an e-mail from Grace, she’s not so sure.
To: KateLowry@pemberlybrown.edu
Sent: Sun 9/14 11:59 PM
From: GraceLee@pemberlybrown.edu
Subject: (no subject)
I'm here…
sort of.
Find Cameron.
He knows.
I shouldn't be writing.
Don't tell.
They'll hurt you.
Now Kate has no choice but to prove once and for all that Grace’s death was more than just a tragic accident. But secrets haunt the halls of her elite private school. Secrets people will do anything to protect. Even if it means getting rid of the girl trying to solve a murder...
My Thoughts:
Lately I've been thinking that I should read some more contemporary novels, to try to widen my range of genres, so that not everything I read is paranormal. So, this is one of the first contemps I've read ever, and I really enjoyed it, probably because there was still an element of mystery to it, without there being paranormal elements.
I loved Kate. She was such an interesting character, so funny and smart, you just couldn't help but love her narrative. I also loved Grace, Kate's dead best friend, or at least who Kate thinks is Grace. She seems to be the kind of person who everyone wants to be friends with, and it would have been great it there was more of the story that Grace was actually alive in, and more flashbacks of the last year when Kate, Grace and Maddie were all best friends. Talking of Maddie, I really enjoyed reading about her too. At the beginning, she seemed really nice; she was chubby and happy, whereas by the end of the book, she's struggling with an eating disorder and awful guilt. I still don't really understand what she did to Kate, and it must have been bad, but I can't help but feel sorry for her, she was so adorable! :P
I loved the setting of Pemberly Brown, I'd love to go to school there! It seems like a real-life prestigious private school, and I think it probably has awesome grounds, and I'd love to visit it. I love historic places, I love finding out about all the things that may have happened inside the walls....
The Liar Society was a very good debut novel from the Roecker sisters, and I'm definitely going to be reading the next books in the series, and anything else that they happen to write. I'm also going to be reading some more contemporary YA novels, because I really enjoyed this one, and I want to read more! So, if you're looking for a fun read, or a good contemporary, then The Liar Society is a great choice for you.
My Rating:
I give it 4 Feet!

2011 Debut Author Challenge #10
2011 100+ Reading Challenge #25
Thanks for your review. The Liar Society never sounded that intersting to me, but your thoughts on it make me want to read it.A good and mysterious setting always keeps me entertained!