Author: Jamie Magee
Series: Insight #1
Pages: 314
Date of UK Publications: July 20th 2010
Source: Received free for a blog tour/event
Synopsis from Goodreads: Before that fateful summer night, Willow had balanced the insight of emotion, and the vivid images. That night, the figure in her nightmare marked her wrist with a star, giving her father no choice but to tell Willow a family secret that would abruptly change life, as she knew it, forever. Before Willow had time to absorb the shock of her father's secret, her soul mate that had shared every stunning dream with her, found her, and darkness captured her closest friends. In order to save them, she must weave through broken myths and the undeniable power of the Zodiac. In the end, Willow discovers that at the moment of our birth we are all given a divine gift.
My Thoughts:
Insight was a good book. The plot was well thought out, and the characters were complex and real. It was a strong debut novel, and I liked it.
Willow is living with a secret in the small (?) town of Franklin. (I don't if it's small, or if it's even a real place...) She has the insight of emotions, so she can feel people's emotions and sometimes she can even change them. She thinks she's weird, and a freak. So when she finds out that she's completely normal and that she's not even from this world, she feels a little better. And then her life changes completely.
I liked Willow, she was a good narrator. I liked how she was kind and funny, and I adored how much she loved and cared for her little sister Libby, it was so sweet! And I liked Landen too, Willow's blue-eyed boy was very cool ;)
As I said before, the plot was well thought out and lots happened. Sometimes it felt rushed though, especially one time, when Willow and Landen were in one dimension in a large crowd, and then suddenly they were back through the 'strings' and were back to their house, and there didn't seem to be anything in between, and it just felt very rushed. Talking of the strings, I think they were awesome. The idea was great, they are like pathways between the worlds, and I just think that that idea was awesome. And then the way that Jamie wrote them, was really really good. :)
Overall though, I thought it was a very good debut novel, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you can overlook the rushed plot lines and quite frequent typos (which may just have been because I read a Mobi book on my Kindle, and it was formatted weird in places) then I think you'd enjoy it. If you're looking for a quick, fun read, Insight is definitely for you.
My Thoughts Throughout The Book:
These are the thoughts I wrote in the update box when you update your status on Goodreads:
21%: "It's really good! :D I can't wait to see what happens next, and what happens with her 'blue-eyed boy'..."
39% "It's a little confusing at times, but it's still awesome :D And her 'blue-eyed boy' has a name!"
49% "Almost half way through, and I'm loving Landen :D Still a little confused though :L"
67% "It's so good! The formatting's gone a bit weird in some places though..."
81% "It's getting exciting... :D"
91% "Nearly done! It's a bit rushed in places, they're all in one place, and then suddenly they've gone through the strings and are back home, without much in between... Still good though :D"
My Rating:
I give it 4 Feet!

2011 e-Book Challenge #11
2011 Paranormal YA Reading Challenge #22
2011 100+ Reading Challenge #33
I haven't heard of this one, sounds okay - ish to me xD
ReplyDeletel did also find it a bit confusing in some places but l loved it! Glad you enjoyed this too =)