Elizabeth and Diana Holland seem to rule the social scene in Manhattan. But this might not be the case. But, when the girls find out that they are not as rich as they thought, and are on the brink of becoming poor, Elizabeth is forced to marry Henry Schoonmaker, much to best friend and former contender for Henry’s love, Penelope Hayes. But now, Henry has met Diana, Elizabeth’s little sister, and it seems to him that the younger Holland sister is more interesting than his fiancee. And, to make it all worse, Elizabeth’s heart does not belong to Henry, it belongs to the Holland coachman, Will.
With her family’s fortune depending on her, Elizabeth must choose between what is best for her family, and what is best for herself. She wishes she could just disappear…
The Luxe is Anna Godbersen’s debut novel, and a brilliant one at that. It is Gossip Girl, in the 1800s, and just as good. The characters are written well, and all events seem completely believeable. Some characters make you want to slap them, and others just make you wish that everything would work out with so and so ending up with so and so, even if this is completely unimaginable. This book leaves you hanging on until the very end, and makes you think ‘I really need to know what happened to _____!’ If you enjoy watching Gossip Girl, or have read A Great and Terrible Beauty, and enjoyed it, then this book is for you.
I give it 4 Feet!
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