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Book Review: The Splendour Falls - Rosemary Clement-Moore

Sylvie is broken. Her father;s death broke her heart. Her mother’s remarriage broke her spirit. And a broken leg ends her career as a ballerina. She’s lost so much… is she losing her mind as well?
Shawn is the resident golden boy, the one everyone thinks Sylvie should be with, the obvious choice.
Rhys is handsome and mysterious and has a hold on Sylvie that she doesn’t quite understand.
A heroin who will steal your heart.
A house that will haunt you.
A love story that will leave you breathless. - From the back of the book. 

It’s long. The book, at just over 500 pages, is quite long, and while this is not necessarily a bad thing, a lot of it could have been cut out, and though you wouldn’t get so much information, the story line would still be a good one. The character of Sylvie was very well written, and she is very believable, and all the pain she’s going through from losing her dad, then losing her career as a professional ballerina, and then add in the fear of losing her mind, makes you feel sorry for her, and keep reading to make sure there is a happy ending.

The book can be pretty confusing. There is another whole story of the past, and sometimes, the link between the past and the present could have been better told, and if it had been, I wouldn’t have had to keep flicking through the last few chapters to see what the link was.

Rhys, one of the guys interested in Sylvie was an interesting character. Very secretive at the beginning, but opens up more as you get into the book, makes him very appealing. Shawn, on the other hand, was not very appealing. I think he’s one of those characters that you love to hate, at the beginning he seems like a nice guy, but there’s something a little off about him, and then as you progress through the book you find that instead of something a little off, there is something a lot off.

Overall, the book was very enjoyable, with a nice twist that caught me off guard, if you were looking for something different, then The Splendour Falls would be perfect.

I give it 4 Feet!


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