Janie falls into peoples dreams. Whenever she gets too close to a sleeping person, she gets sucked into dreams and there is nothing she can, no matter how hard she tries. There are the falling dreams, and the being naked in front of lots of people dreams, but then there are also other dreams. Nightmares.
Now Janie is outside, behind a shed. In somebody’s dream. She is alone. She doesn’t quite understand how she can be alone in someone else’s dream, but there she is and there is absolutely nothing she can do. She just hopes that something isn’t going to jump out of the wall or from behind a bush or something…
This book wasn’t great. It was short. Was written oddly. I’m still not quite sure if I liked it or not. People say that it’s a marmite book, you love it or you hate it, but I don’t know which. If the book had taken more time to explain what on earth was going on, it may have been better, but things weren’t explained and I found myself confused as to what was going on.
When I read the blurb of the book, it seemed to me that the author had a good idea forming, but after reading I felt that, she had this idea, but didn’t think it through enough and rushed to get it written down on the page. It was a quick read, and I may buy the next book in the series, but it is definitely nothing more than that, just a quick, read in a couple of hours kind of book.
I give it 3 Feet!
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*I am no longer accepting blog awards :( I do not have time to go through all the things that come with it, and though I'm honoured you thought of me, I'm sure you can find someone who will love it, and be able to carry out the rules :)